Aftermarket-DATA © – market analytics for manufacturers and distributors of auto parts
Statistics of the Automotive and Aftermarket of Russia. Segments: car brands, regions, brands, product groups, OE - numbers, analogues, wholesale and retail prices.
We can create an assortment development model for your brand in the Russian spare parts market taking into account geography and competitors using the most modern machine learning methods (AI) and Big Data technology.

Who are we
1Platform for the auto business VINCODRF.RU | Win-STO.RU
21,500 parts stores and service stations in the system
3Our specialization: digital marketing, software, analytics
4Internet traffic ~ 300.000 sessions / month
5600,000 car owner accounts
How analytics is built
You can order a detailed analytical report and research of the auto components market at:
We work with big data, use statistic analysis, find complex dependencies, build mathematical models.
We know how to work with highly noisy material. Describe your task, we will discuss!

The founder | Bolkhovsky Dmitry
about the structure of the auto parts market
We have been working in the market of auto parts for foreign cars for 20 years. We know the segments: retail, car service, b2b distributors, conveyor supplies.
Get aftermarket statistics
Describe your brand and company. What analytics are you interested in? Do you want to receive regular data on the vehicle fleet, prices of competitors and distributors, liquid assortment? What analytics automation tasks are relevant for you?
By submitting this form, I agree to
the processing of personal data
Do you need to formulate a strategy for bringing a brand to the auto parts market? Need digital marketing consulting? Write to us:

Examples of tasks that we solve

Geo-data. What are the 200 most popular air filter positions in the Southern Federal District.

Price analysis. Suppose that the main competitors of brand X in the “shock absorbers” group are brands A, B and C. What is the average price for each position among distributors?

Product groups and brands of cars. What are the 1,000 most popular numbers in the Suspension group for Japanese and Korean cars? What are the weights based on the car park?

What is the price dynamics in the “brake pads” group in terms of car brands of the first 5 popular manufacturers in the last 4 years?

What brands of car brand Y most of all failures in the range.
Let’s download the sample analysis
Download sample analysis in product groups: shock absorbers, brake pads, filters, bearings, belts and rollers

Popular questions about Aftermarket data sources and analytics methods

In open sources there is no car park data associated with VIN. Where do you get this data from?

Indeed, only general car parameters are published on the Internet: make, model, year, engine size, etc.
Data on VIN, as a rule, are closed. However, using Big Data technology and machine learning (AI),
we can calculate the range of spare parts in the context of regions with sufficient accuracy.

How do you control the accuracy of your calculations?

We use our own data of the VINСODRF.RU marketplace and the Win-STO platform for control the accuracy of our calculations.

Can you provide personal data in the context of the ultimate car owners?

No. We process impersonal summary data without reference to specific car owners.
Our projects

Garages market analytics, comparison of new and used spare parts segments. Joint project with Avito Auto.

MasterMAX artificial intelligence for auto business

We are the experts of the «World Automotive Components Award»

National marketplace for spare parts of Kazakhstan